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Faith & Service: Campus Ministry

With eyes of faith consider the greatness of your mission and the wonderful amount of good which you can accomplish.

Blessed Father Basil Moreau

Bishop McNamara Faith & Service Logo
Mass of the Immaculate Conception

The Campus Ministry Department strives to carry out the vision of the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Blessed Father Basil Moreau, C.S.C. “to make God known, loved, and served."

  • While we are available to the entire school community for conversation, prayer, or collaboration, we strive to enrich the spiritual life of our students through several specific programs. 
  • Our retreat program, assisted in several ways by student leaders, is responsible for helping our students to know God, to know each other, and to know themselves. Through school-wide Liturgies and other forms of prayer, we invite students to share in celebration with one another, loving God through praise and worship, and receiving God’s love through Scripture and Communion.
  • Through our Holy Cross Service Program, we challenge students to serve God by helping the poor and marginalized among our fellow children of God.
  • As a school community, we look to our students to live as Christ did, "feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, offering hospitality to the homeless, caring for the sick, and visiting the imprisoned." With this as our premise, our students are assigned a minimum number of Holy Cross service hours to complete each year.
  • Our Peer Ministry program allows a small group of 12th graders to take a special class senior year on faith, justice, communication, and leadership, focusing on their personal development.  These students also serve as student leaders in several ministry capacities throughout the year.

More about Campus Ministry...

Retreat Team October 2024  West River

BMHS Students in service to others....

BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
BMHS students volunteer throughout the community
Students volunteering at the Food Bank

The Four Pillars of Holy Cross

The core of a Holy Cross education and a Bishop McNamara education is framed by the Four Pillars