Becoming a Bishop McNamara Student
- Decisions Posted in MACCESS
- How to Enroll (Incoming Students)
- How to Re-Enroll (Current Students)
- Enrollment To Do List
- Enrollment Events and Deadlines
- Parent and Student Service Hour Requirement
- Student Handbook
- Technology, Bring Your Own Device
- Transportation
- Uniforms and Dress Code
Decisions Posted in MACCESS
How to Enroll (Incoming Students)
- DEADLINE: MARCH 14, 2025 BY 11:59PM
- The enrollment fee's primary purpose is to secure your student's spot in next year's enrollment lists, but those funds are used for a multitude of things as we prepare for the upcoming school year, including but not limited to):
- Putting students into their schedules and working through revisions once schedules are released
- Administering placement tests
- Student orientations and retreats that take place at the start of the new school year
- Leadership Training for our student leaders who will run many of the sessions during those retreats and orientations
- The enrollment fee's primary purpose is to secure your student's spot in next year's enrollment lists, but those funds are used for a multitude of things as we prepare for the upcoming school year, including but not limited to):
- Sign into MACCESS
- Click on “1 Contract to Review” at the top of the screen
- Review, initial, and sign pages as prompted.
- Pay the non-refundable $450 enrollment fee on the last page.
- If there are 2 responsible signers listed on the contract, each signer must log in to their own MACCESS account to initial and sign. If you need assistance with logging into MACCESS, please contact admissions@bmhs.org.
- Acceptance into Bishop McNamara does not guarantee enrollment. It is in your family’s best interest to enroll your student as soon as possible by the enrollment deadline. Historically, our freshmen class has filled up by the end of March. To secure your student’s seat, you must sign the contract and pay the $450 non-refundable enrollment fee by the enrollment deadline of March 14, 2025.
How to Re-Enroll (Current Students)
Retaining each BMHS family is essential for our community to continue thriving in excellence! Each year, families will receive a Re-Enrollment Contract for the upcoming school year. It is imperative that families adhere to all Re-Enrollment deadlines so that the Administrative, Admissions, and Counseling Teams can prepare for the upcoming school year. Failure to Re-Enroll during the designated window could result in your student being placed on a waiting list for the upcoming school year.
Re-Enrollment Contracts must be signed by parents (based on who has been designated as a Responsible Signer in MACCESS) and the Re-Enrollment Fee must be paid at that time. Included in the Re-Enrollment Contract will be any financial aid or scholarships that have been awarded.
For any financial aid or scholarships that are awarded after the Re-Enrollment window, these awards are applied retroactively and are reflected in your FACTS payment plan.
For the 25-26 school year, Re-Enrollment Contracts will be available in MACCESS on Friday, February 28, 2025. Re-enrollment contracts can be accessed by logging into your MACCESS account. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see a yellow ribbon at the top of your screen that says “1 Contract to Review.”
Please note that if there are two responsible signers listed on the contract, each signer must log in to their own MACCESS account to initial and sign. If you need assistance with logging into MACCESS, please contact admissions@bmhs.org.
Fees and Deadlines for Re-Enrollment are as follows:
Early Re-Enrollment Deadline: Friday, March 14, 2025
Fee: $350
Final Re-Enrollment Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2025
Fee: $450
Financial Holds
Please note that unsettled payments with the BMHS business office will result in a financial hold, which prevents you from receiving a Re-Enrollment Contract. Once the hold has been removed, the Contract will appear in MACCESS.
Enrollment To Do List
- ☐ Check Email Frequently
- ☐ Make Course Selections
- ☐ Placement and Schedules (Incoming 9th Graders Only)
- ☐ Set Up Your Payment Plan
- ☐ Register for Summer School (if required)
- ☐ Complete and Submit Health Forms
- ☐ Mandatory Summer Assignments
- ☐ Syllabi and Class Supply Lists
☐ Check Email Frequently
☐ Make Course Selections
- Once your contract is signed, additional checklist steps will be found at the bottom of your students MACCESS checklist. One of the steps will provide the link to access the course selection form. Please fill out this form as soon as possible. If this form is not filled out, students will be placed according to the electives required as space permits.
- COURSE BULLETIN - for a more detailed explanation of classes and pathways to fulfilling graduation requirements, please CLICK HERE FOR OUR COURSE BULLETIN.
- Please provide your final transcript to the counseling center as soon as it becomes available so they may construct your schedule.
- Point of Contact: Mr. Terry Burroughs, Director of Counseling - terry.burroughs@bmhs.org
☐ Placement and Schedules (Incoming 9th Graders Only)
Placement tests will be given in April-June 2025 for core class placement. Once your contract is signed, additional checklist steps will be found at the bottom of your students MACCESS checklist. One of the steps will provide a selection of placement test dates. Please choose the date that works best for your child as soon as possible since there are space limitations for each test day.
Schedules will be provided in the summer. If you have any questions about classes, or need to make changes, please reach out to the freshman guidance counselors:
Ms. Cherese Carter 9th & 10th Grade Last Names A-J, at cherese.carter@bmhs.org.
Mr. Michael Jones 9th & 10th Grade Last Names K-Z, at michael.jones@bmhs.org.
☐ Set Up Your Payment Plan
Tuition payments will be made through FACTS. For those who are setting up FACTS accounts to select a payment plan, you will need to have a unique code to set up your account. If you did not receive this code, check your spam folder to ensure the email did not get directed to that folder. If you still do not see the email, please contact Ms. Christianne Testamark at christianne.testamark@bmhs.org.
☐ Register for Summer School (if required)
For those with a summer school requirement, registration for summer school is from May 27, 2025 to June 27, 2025. Please contact Mrs. Amanda Saunders MacMillan at amanda.saunders@bmhs.org with any questions.
☐ Complete and Submit Health Forms
- You will receive an email from the school nurse in May with regards to health documents that will need to be uploaded. Please look for the Magnus / Health Documents email at that time. Health documents must be dated after June 1 and will be due August 1.
- Please keep in mind the following: if your student chooses to play a fall sport, BMHS needs the medical documents prior to their participation.
☐ Mandatory Summer Assignments
☐ Syllabi and Class Supply Lists
Enrollment Events and Deadlines
- Transfer Parent & Student Orientation Night: August 14, 2025
- 12th Grade Senior Kick-Off: August 18, 2025
- 10th/11th Grade Orientation & Picture Day: August 19, 2025
- Class of 2029 9th Grade Experience & Picture Day: August 20, 2025
- Class of 2029 9th Grade Experience: August 21, 2025
- Class of 2029 9th Grade Experience, Parent Orientation & Family Cookout: August 22, 2025
- First Day of Classes: August 25, 2025
Parent and Student Service Hour Requirement
- 10 Parent Service Hours per family per academic year are required. If unable to fulfill this requirement, payment of $40 per service hour must be made to the school.
- Contact Ms. Tracy Fennell in the Attendance Office at Ext. 149 or Tracy.Fennell@bmhs.org for any information regarding Parent Service Hours.
- Student Service Hours Requirement:
Student Handbook
Technology, Bring Your Own Device
All students are required to bring their own computing device (such as laptop or tablet) to school for classroom use. Details are available on the Technology@McNamara page.
Private Bus Transportation
All Seasons Transportation, 240-417-6381, allseasonsbus2@yahoo.com
Always Serving Others, 301-802-9427, rbfchurchinfo@gmail.com
Capital Area Transportation, 301-437-1031, CATEShaythe@gmail.com
EliteXCURSIONS, 202-329-3939, info@elitexcursion.com
JMM Transportation, 301-906-0147, jmm.distributors21@gmail.com
KCE Student Transportation, 301-661-3588
Student Shuttle Transportation, 240-736-7276, thestudentshuttledmv@gmail.com
Metrorail and Metrobus
Please contact WMATA for exact routes, times, and fees. Possible routes may take you to the Suitland Metro Station where you take the K12 Bus, or the Addison Road Metro Station where you may take the J12 Bus to the stop across from the school. Routes and stops may change from time to time so contact the WMATA for the latest information.
Carpool Service
Bishop McNamara High School is excited to announce our partnership with CarpooltoSchool, the online carpool service that's fast, easy, and secure.
For more information and registration, go to CarpoolToSchool.
Uniforms and Dress Code
Details regarding the correct Bishop McNamara High School Uniform are contained in the Student Handbook available in the Maccess Parent Portal under Resources as well as in the link below:
Uniforms can be purchased through:
- Flynn O'Hara Uniforms
- Lands' End Uniforms
- The Mustang Shop and Bookstore (for select items only)
- Used Uniform Sale - details announced in the Sunday Updates from our Principal, Mrs. Dian Carter
Flynn O'Hara and Lands' End Uniforms carry most uniform items.
The Mustang Shop carries a few items for your convenience such as PE uniforms, socks, ties, and sweaters.
Used Uniform sales are conducted throughout the year. Watch for announcements of days and times.
8807 Annapolis Road, Lanham, MD 20706
(240) 764-4545