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Library Media Center

Welcome to the St. Joseph Resource Center!

As a part of the Bishop McNamara High School Advancing the Vision campaign, the Library was named the St. Joseph Resource Center and completely renovated during the Summer of 2008.  The Library Media Center now offers a new state-of-the-art split-level facility, complete with a separate computer lab; a reading area with oversized seating; expanded library collection shelf areas, and a beautiful new honey oak wood circulation and reference desk. 

BMHS Students and Faculty are given access to JSTOR, one of the premier research databases used in many academic settings, particularly in higher education. JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.  

Ms. Dee Butler LR '80
Resource Specialist
The Library Media Center
Mission Statement
Student works on assignments in the St. Joseph Research Center

The Bishop McNamara High School Library's mission is to be an integral part of each member of our student body's education. The Library Media Center  Staff wishes to nurture our students with competency in library research skills and create an atmosphere that is user-friendly for both faculty and students and stimulate Christ-centered independent thinkers in each of our students. The Staff will assist teachers by providing individualized instruction and learning opportunities for their students and we invite all teachers to embrace and consider the Library Media Center as a vital part of your discipline's curriculum.

The Library Media Center also has a collection of books, periodicals, videos as well as other materials for research and personal enjoyment. For a catalog of the collection, go to Library Catalog


JSTOR provides access to archived, multi-disciplined, scholarly journals. Offers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated.

Jstor Research Database Logo

JSTOR is one of the premier research databases, and is used in many academic settings, particularly in higher education. 

JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articlesbooks, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

It helps students and faculty explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform

In order to use JSTOR on-campus, simply click on the JSTOR link/image and begin searching. You may use the advanced search function if you need your search to be more focused.

To access JSTOR off-campus, sign into the school network using the “remote access” instructions under “quick links.” You should log in using your user name and ID as you would at any school computer. Then, using a web browser, go to

You may also create a MyJSTOR profile by going to the website and clicking on the “MyJSTOR” tab at the top of the page. Fill out the information it asks you for. You should use your McNamara e-mail address. Where it asks for your “Position/Academic Status” select “K-12 Student”. Where it asks for your area of study, you may pick anything that appeals to you. You may unclick the two checked boxes that ask about JSTOR communication; you must click the box saying you agree with JSTOR’s terms and conditions. Be sure to fill in the Captcha input as well.

Archival Journal Collections

JSTOR’s secondary schools collection includes all Arts & Sciences Collections on JSTOR, the Life Sciences Collection, as well as our four primary source collections. The package is offered with significant cost savings for secondary schools, encompassing nearly every archival journal on JSTOR.

Archival content on JSTOR includes the complete archival record of each journal. Coverage begins at the first volume and issue of the journal ever published, and extends up to a publication date usually set in the past three to five years.

Current Journals

Launched in 2011 as the Current Scholarship Program, our current journals bring numerous benefits to the communities JSTOR works with. Current journals are offered across subjects in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

JSTOR now contains hundreds of current journal titles from leading publishers. Read our full list of updates here.


Launched in 2012, Books at JSTOR provides access to electronic books alongside journal titles on the JSTOR platform. At present, Books at JSTOR offers tens of thousands of books from dozens of leading publishers.

If you have any questions about using JSTOR or problems logging in, please stop by the St. Joseph Resource Center for more information.