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Social Studies

History and Social Studies are integral to a student's liberal education as the disciplines involved teach thought processes, intellectual attitudes, and analytic methods that shape the way students look at the past, the present, and the future

Social Studies Department


  • the objective analysis of facts by the individual
  • the structuring of those facts to form a hypothesis 
  • the presentation of both the facts and the hypothesis in a logical form 

It is hoped that history students will come to understand the significance of the past; develop historical empathy; understand historical causation and the role of the individual and of change in history; and realize that the world and the United States are both made up of many diverse cultures, yet in case of the world, there is a shared humanity, and in the case of the United States, a shared culture and common experience.

Bishop McNamara is an affiliate with the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. The Affiliate School Program is a unique gateway to educational resources, events, and tools designed to bring American history to life in the classroom.

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