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Mathematics Department

The study of Mathematics at Bishop McNamara fosters the development of clear and logical thinking, precision in communication, and the ability to reason quantitatively.

Using a traditional, yet progressive sequence of college-preparatory courses, the mathematics curriculum of Bishop McNamara High School seeks to encourage student growth and proficiency in these areas. Each student is allowed the opportunity, according to interest and talent, to develop fully in the subject through a variety of available courses.

Bishop McNamara High School uses a detailed placement system for both new and current students to ensure that the course they take matches their background while pushing them to meet their full potential.

Bishop McNamara mathematics students:

♦ should be thoroughly grounded in the fundamentals of mathematics
♦ should be able to draw upon previously learned material, connect mathematical topics, and apply these in practical situations confidently and effectively, by themselves and in cooperation with others
♦ are able not only to solve problems, but apply their skills to real situations


Mathematics is about more than numbers and formulas, and our students are challenged, on a daily basis, to think critically and analytically.

Our courses reflect the wide and exciting variety of students we attract, and are a reflection of our careful placement system, ensuring all students are appropriately challenged and challenged appropriately (see Course Selections below). Our weekly after-school “Math Power Hour” allows our students access to teachers and tutors for individualized instruction and assistance. Most courses utilize DeltaMath, a dynamic and interactive website, for homework.

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Mathematics Course Catalog

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Courses Selections