Departments & Programs
Our English curriculum puts emphasis on writing, reading, & critical thinking skills to succeed in college and beyond. For more information, go to English...
Extensive arts education courses including Classical Dance, African Dance & Music, Band & Orchestra, Choir, Theatre, and Visual Arts. For more information, go to Fine Arts...
We offer courses to foster the development of clear & logical thinking, precision in communication, & ability to reason quantitatively. For more information, go to Mathematics...
Students learn to speak, listen, read, write in Arabic, ASL, French, Latin, & Spanish in teacher-directed classes. For more information, go to Modern & Classical Languages...
Students learn to make the connection between good health, physical activity, and the quality of one’s life. For more information, go to Health & Physical Education...
We develop students who are knowledgeable, scientifically literate, capable of solving problems, and accept their responsibility to preserve and improve their environment. For more information, go to Science...
History and Social Studies are integral to a student's liberal education as the disciplines involved teach thought processes, intellectual attitudes, and analytic methods that shape the way students look at the past, the present, and the future. For more information, go to Social Studies...
A comprehensive study in technology & engineering with emphasis on skill development & 21ST-CENTURY career exploration. For more information, go to Technology & Engineering...
Our Theology Department focuses on the spiritual & intellectual development of all students - they come to better know God, humanity, and themselves. For more about our Theology Department...
Special Academic Programs
Bishop McNamara High School's Advanced Placement Program offers rigorous college-level curricula and assessments to students in our high school, bringing a rich college experience to Bishop McNamara with the opportunity to earn college credit at thousands of universities across the nation. For more information, go to Advanced Placement...
Our STEM & Innovation education prepares students to be college and career-ready as STEM-proficient members of society by creating coursework that integrates content and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. For more information, go to STEM & Innovation...
For students seeking an even more challenging learning experience, Bishop McNamara offers numerous honors courses that provide a more robust academic rigor. Honors courses are offered in English, mathematics, science, modern & classical languages, technology, social studies, and fine arts. For more information, go to Honors...
The Fine Arts Diploma Endorsement (F.A.D.E.) program is unique to the Bishop McNamara High School Community. It serves to refine students' talent and skill, cultivate a community of respect, appreciation, and understanding of the arts, and acknowledge students' dedication to the Fine Arts throughout their high school career. For more information, go to FADE...